Over 200 protesters in Los Angeles turned out for Black Lives, organized by the Los Angeles People’s Council, demanding the defunding of the LAPD by at least 50% if not 100. No major clashes occurred with police, although minor scuffles did occur.
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Dozens of protesters in Patras marched in solidarity with Dimitris Koufontinas, an imprisoned former member of the 17 November left-wing urban guerilla who entered a hunger strike on the 8th of January to demand his transfer to the Korydallos prison in Athens, where he would receive adequate medical care and access to visitors.
Mapuche protesters took to the streets in the communities of Lof Juan Queupucura and Antonio Pichulman in the historically indigenous-majority Wallmapu areas […]
Hundreds of protesters in Valls took to the streets to demand the release of left-wing Catalan rapper Pablo Hasel, who was arrested and faces charges for insulting the Spanish monarchy. Demonstrators placed burned barricades, facing off with police but with no arrests occurring in a rare turn of events.
Hundreds of protesters in Cúcuta took to the streets against neoliberal policies stretched out over multiple presidencies in Colombia, as well as the Tributary Reform which would increase taxes on basic goods and services, such as utilities as well as cutting government aid to low-income workers and households.