Hundreds of protesters took to the streets of Barranquilla, as part of a general strike stretching for a 4th day in opposition to new tax hikes on basic goods and services as well as the privatization of healthcare. Police attacked the peaceful demonstration with water cannons, dispersing the crowd through the city center and injuring several people.
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More than 1,000 protesters gathered in West Philadelphia for a protest, which, after clashes with police, quickly devolved into a riot, with teams of people looting Walmarts and the stores of other large corporations. Many cops were injured and were entirely pushed back from the city after the National Guard failed to arrive.
Activists launched a firework action against the Turkish Embassy in Paris following an attack by Grey Wolves fascists against the Kurdish Association building in Lyon.
Greek anarchists in Athens gathered at RES in Athens in solidarity with the hunger strike of Dimitris Koufontinas, which began on the 8th of January to demand a transfer to the Korydallos prison in Athens, which would provide adequate medical care and access to visitors.
Over 400 protesters in Berlin marched in solidarity with the Dimitris Koufontinas hunger strike, demanding the acceptance of the former 17N member’s request to return to his old cell in the Korydallos prison where he will once again be able to see his family.