Coalition of Teachers and Students Clash With Police Across France For Health Measures

A teachers’ union in Paris marched in solidarity with high school students who had occupied their campuses in the morning, to demand better health measures and protocols to be put in place. Students clashed with police at several schools, with more than a dozen arrests occurring.

High Schools


Students were kettled almost immediately by riot police, although not many clashes occurred.


At least 1 student was arrested at Brassens High School, with many others injured.


Riot police attacked students early on in the morning at Colbert High School, arresting many. Students organized a banner drop saying “Saving the economy, at the expense of our lives!”.

Henri Bergson

Louis Armand

Riot police attacked students at Louis Armand high school, arresting at least 4 and kettling them, causing more than a dozen injuries.

Saint Criq

Saint Nazaire

Police attacked students at Saint Nazaire High School, with 6 arrested and dozens injured by riot cops.

Education Unions




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