Chileans in the small central town of Puerto Montt placed and burned barricades and protested after a street juggler was murdered by police in Panguipulli.
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Student protesters in Santiago at the University of Chile metro dropped a banner calling for the end of for-profit education as well as standardized testing, well-known to keep down students with less wealth. Students in Revolt Chile stated that such actions would continue, unless actions were taken to mend the broken education of the country.
Members of the Animal Liberation Front in Canada destroyed 4 hunting towers that had been previously spotted in Quebec, condemning the sport as one of the cold-blooded murder of sentient creatures.
Dozens of protesters in Athens gathered at the local health station in the Keramikou neighborhood, demanding free food, housing, education, and healthcare for all. Despite a heavy police buildup at the public health facility, no arrests were made and demonstrators were able to hang a banner and drop leaflets.
Hundreds of protesters in the Athens district of Ilioupoli took to the streets against the Greek government’s management of the pandemic, with the military and police overfunded while hospitals and the healthcare system overwhelmed with ICU beds at near full capacity.