Hundreds of Panamanian workers under the SUNTRACS trade union went on strike across the country for a day of national protest demanding salary during quarantine and food for all, including minors and students. Several confrontations occurred with police, but none ultimately resulted in arrests.
Paro Nacional
Thousands of Panamanians from a broad range of trade unions and Marxist-Leninist organizations continued the general strike. Its demands include full wages during quarantine, the continuation of a food stimulus, and pay raises for all workers. Credits to Frenadeso Panamá. Thousands of Panamanians from a broad range of trade unions and Marxist-Leninist organizations continued the general strike. Its demands include […]
Trade unions and Marxist-Leninist organizations including CONUSI and SUNTRAC took to the streets across Panamá for the reactivation of employment contracts and the removal of deregulating and anti-labor laws such as Decree 830. Roads were shut down across the country, with over 40,000 workers going on strike in dozens of cities.