Protesters turned out in the hundreds in Denver to demonstrate against capitalism and police as well as prisons. After marching downtown, chanting “No borders, No walls, No USA at all!”, anarchists clashed with police, setting up burning barricades and fighting back against assault. Few were arrested, as black bloc as well as umbrellas and shields helped protect most.
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Greek anarchists in Athens dropped banners at the Pedio Areos and Protomagias squares, calling for workers to stop accepting the theft of their wages by bosses, and to organize into unions for self-defense against capitalist policies.
Hundreds of members of the Electrical Industry and Irrigation Workers Union (UTIER) took to the streets of San Juan against the privatization of electricity in Puerto Rico. The Luma corporation would assume the responsibility of power on the American island colony if privatization went through successfully.
Chileans placed barricades at the Villa Francia memorial on Curacaví street in Santiago, demanding the immediate release of all political prisoners.
Hundreds of antifascists marched through Hamburg in protest against the trial of many arrested during the Anti-G20 riots in Rondenbarg in 2017, […]