Dozens of Abolish ICE protesters gathered at the Bergen County ICE facility following a day of heavy police responses. Demonstrators faced off with police after crossing the street onto the jail’s property, who put on riot gear and soon outnumbered the protesters. Demonstrators then dispersed peacefully without any clashes or arrests occurring.
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Syrian Kurdish rebels in Rojava gathered in solidarity with protesters in Chile, calling on the government of the Chilean state to release the political prisoners of the 18th of October uprising who have been often kept in complete isolation.
Anarchists in Thessaloniki gathered to protest in solidarity with Dimitris Koufontinas, a former member of the 17 November revolutionary group who went on hunger strike starting on the 8th of January, demanding his transfer to the Korydallos prison in Athens which would allow him to see visitors and receive adequate medical treatment. A heavy police buildup arrived at the demonstration, detaining 7 participants without clause of arrest, later releasing them.
The Los Angeles People’s City Council (LAPCC) took to the streets after the meeting between civilians and the police department, demanding the defunding of police, as well as the resignation of the current mayor of LA. At least 500 protesters attended the march that lasted for more than an hour.
Protesters in Belarus organized a march in Minsk that held an attendance of more than 100,000 people to precede other demonstrations later in the day. The march was held between 10 A.M. and 3 P.M., moving like water so that the police could not capture protesters. Few arrests were recorded during the march, and secret police were repulsed.