1000+ Protesters in Minneapolis March for Dolal Idd

Hundreds of protesters first gathered at the site of Dolal Idd’s murder after a call to action by his father, protesting for justice and a criminal investigation into the murderers of the 23-year-old son of Somali immigrants. A sign was tampered with to show anti-police messages by the crowd as well.

Over a thousand protesters then marched down Lake Street, chanting “No justice, no peace! Prosecute the police!”.

Video credits

Demonstrators then began to make it back to the site of Idd’s murder, brought down the American flag, and raised a Somali one.

Video by Bantha Fodder.

Following that demonstration, protesters marched to George Floyd Square, led by Toussaint Morrison & South Minneapolis State Rep. Hodan Hassan, then dispersing after listening to speeches.

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